Keratosis Pilaris diagnosis, treatment & medications
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Keratosis Pilaris Treatment FAQ
Can a Dermatologist treat Keratosis Pilaris at DermCafé?
Absolutely. Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is easily identifiable on photos and have great treatments options
What are the symptoms?
KP causes the following changes on the sides of your upper arms, thighs and/or cheeks:
Feel rough and dry like sandpaper
Resemble the skin of a plucked chicken or goosebumps
Become more noticeable in winter or a dry climate
Appear in different colours, including the same colour as your skin, white, red, pinkish purple (on fair skin), and brownish black (on dark skin)
What causes keratosis pilaris?
KP is a genetic condition.
People of all ages and races have this common skin condition. For most people, it begins at one of the following times:
Before 2 years of age
During the teenage years
KP can also continue into one’s adult years. Women are a bit more likely to have KP.
You're more likely to have KP if you have one or more of the following:
Close blood relatives who have KP
Dry skin
Excess body weight
Hay fever
Ichthyosis vulgaris (a rare skin condition that causes very dry skin)
KP is not contagious. We get keratosis pilaris when dead skin cells clog our pores.
How is it treated?
This skin condition is harmless, so you don’t need to treat it.
If the itch, dryness, or the appearance of your skin bothers you, treatment can help. A Dermatologist can create a treatment plan that addresses your concerns, which may include:
Medical-level moisturizers
Topical medicines
Behavioural directives for showering, exfoliating and more
What is DermCafé?
Connect with a DermCafé Dermatologist today!
We’re a Digital Dermatology Centre that aims to provide all Canadians with equitable, accessible, convenient and modern dermatology care.
Simply submit your symptom info and skin photos online and connect with an online dermatologist at your convenience.
Visit our How This Work page to learn more.

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